Cats are kind of weird but in the most adorable way. They may do some weird things around the house that leave you wondering what is going on inside their head. Luckily, it is no longer a mystery. Specialist and experts have decoded some of your cat’s weird behaviors and we compiled them in a list just for you. Check out how to understand some of your cat’s weird behavior and what it could all mean.
Poking You With Their Nose
A cat will only allow this with their trusted friends, no matter if they are humans or other cats. Think about it: your cat has to be pretty close to something to poke it with its nose. It leaves your cat vulnerable, hence why they only do it with their closet friends. Some behavoritsts believe that cats do this to release their scent on whatever they are poking with their nose. Just be careful not to force it as your cat may view it as aggressive behavior and will bite or scratch you.
Rubbing Their Face On You
This acts as both a greeting a way to stake a claim on a territory. All it does is share scents. When your cat rubs their face on you, that just means that they are letting the world know that you all belong to each other. Keep in mind that a lot of scent glands are located at or near your cat’s face including places like around the mouth, chin, along the sides of the face and around the ears.
They Head Bunt You
This could mean they want your attention or they are hungry. They could also be head bunting you because they want you to pet them, they want to play with you or they want to cuddle. Simply put, your cat may just want some extra tender love and care when they do this.
They Knead You
This is by far one of the cutest weird things cats will do. It is something they do when they are nursing a kitten as the kneading helps stimulate milk release. Even after they are weaned, your kitten may still do this because it doubles up as a comforting motion as well. You may even notice that your cat kneads you while you are petting them on your lap. This is because they associate the petting feeling with warmth and comfort. Those are the same feelings they associate with kneading. Make sure you watch out for their dry palms and claws. You cannot do much for the palms, but just like pad balm for dogs, there is also pad balm for cats.
They Kick You
This draws on a very instinctual part of them as kicking is defensive behavior learned when hunting. If you notice that your cat kicks you when you all are play fighting, you may want to cut back. He or she may be feeling threatened, hence the reason why they started kicking. Your cat may feel like he or she needs to defend him or herself. Be mindful of the type of cat you have. Some cats can tolerate long pet sessions, while others not so much. Those are the ones to watch out for.